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Center for Cognitive Interaction Technology

Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld

Welcome to CITEC

Center for Cognitive Interaction Technology at Bielefeld University

Making the interaction with A.I. and future intelligent systems truly human-compatible - this is the mission of CITEC. We funnel and catalyze Bielefeld University's multidisciplinary expertise in studying natural and artificial intelligent agents that interact with and learn from different kinds of environments. Going beyond short-cut learning or emulating human-like behavior on the surface, we aim to unravel and model the cognitive abilities needed to make interaction technology compatible with humans' values and expectations about how meaning and actions are shared or information is communicated.

CITEC has been established in 2007 as part of the Excellence Initiative funded by the Federal and State Governments, and is now a central academic institute of Bielefeld University.


  • CITEC's overarching research topic is human-aware cognitive systems in open worlds. We approach this through interdisciplinary collaboration and projects in five core research areas:

    • Learning in Interaction
    • Multimodal Cognition & Communication
    • Socially Intelligent Agents
    • Trustworthy & Sustainable AI
    • Embodied Cooperative Systems
  • A picture of the CITEC building
    © Universität Bielefeld
  • © Universität Bielefeld

Innovation Labs

  • The Innovation Labs provide an environment to bridge CITEC's fundamental research and innovative applications. Their organization, infrastructure and partner network enable application-oriented research in selected focus areas.

    The CoR-Lab carries out research on human-centered automation for sustainable workplaces. It explores the human-centered design of intelligent automation technolgy in future workplaces considering economic, social & environmental implications.

    The COSY@Home Lab targets the topic of cooperative intelligent systems for assisted living. It hosts application-oriented research on assistive systems and robots for autonomous assisted living and well-being in home environments.

  • A robotic hand and a human working together
    © Universität Bielefeld/CoR-Lab


    Human-Centered Automation for Sustainable Workplaces

  • Human interacts with an anthropomorphic robot hand
    © Universität Bielefeld

    Cosy@Home Lab

    Cooperative Intelligent Systems for Assisted Living

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